Part 6: metaT-only assembly?

You may have only metatranscriptomic reads and wonder what you can do with them. In this part of the hands-on session, you can compare a metatranscriptomics-only assembly with the integrated metagenomics and metatranscriptomics assembly. We have picked the most dominant MAG from the dataset as an example.

Metatranscriptomics-only assemblies can be found in /work/projects/embomicrobial2020/data/metaT/assemblies/$mySample/final.contigs.fa.

Information for the example MAG is in /work/projects/embomicrobial2020/data/metaT/binning/$mySample/.

To compare the contigs from the metaT-only assembly to the MAG, you can use nucmer (make sure you request sufficient cpus (8) in your interactive slurm job):

conda activate /work/projects/embomicrobial2020/envs/mummer4

bin=`cat /work/projects/embomicrobial2020/data/metaT/binning/$sample/bins`

mkdir metaTGvsmetaT
cd metaTGvsmetaT

nucmer -t $cpus -p $prefix /work/projects/embomicrobial2020/data/metaT/binning/$sample/$qry /work/projects/embomicrobial2020/data/metaT/assemblies/$sample/$ref

dnadiff -p $prefix -d $delta
show-coords $prefix.1delta >$prefix.1delta.coords

Here is a description of the output in $prefix.1delta.coords from the nucmer manual: [S1] start of the alignment region in the reference sequence [E1] end of the alignment region in the reference sequence [S2] start of the alignment region in the query sequence [E2] end of the alignment region in the query sequence [LEN 1] length of the alignment region in the reference sequence [LEN 2] length of the alignment region in the query sequence [% IDY] percent identity of the alignment [% SIM] percent similarity of the alignment (as determined by the BLOSUM scoring matrix) [% STP] percent of stop codons in the alignment [LEN R] length of the reference sequence [LEN Q] length of the query sequence [COV R] percent alignment coverage in the reference sequence [COV Q] percent alignment coverage in the query sequence [FRM] reading frame for the reference and query sequence alignments respectively [TAGS] the reference and query FastA IDs respectively. All output coordinates and lengths are relative to the forward strand of the reference DNA sequence.


Adapt the nucmer, dnadiff and show-coords to run the same comparison in the opposite direction (metaTGvsmetaT).

You can already see from the numbers in $ that only a part of the MAG that was assembled from metaG and metaT reads is also assembled from the transcriptome (the 53.3175% in the example below):

TotalBases                   3252111             59671729
AlignedBases       1733945(53.3175%)     1806914(3.0281%)
UnalignedBases     1518166(46.6825%)   57864815(96.9719%)


For the next step, extract the alignment information as .bed format, as shown in the code below.

paste <(cut -f 12 /work/projects/embomicrobial2020/data/metaT/binning/$sample/genomealignment/metaTGvsmetaT/$sample.genomalign.1coords) <(cut -f 1,2 /work/projects/embomicrobial2020/data/metaT/binning/$sample/genomealignment/metaTGvsmetaT/$sample.genomalign.1coords)  >> $sample.genomalign.bed

Copy the resulting file to your computer.